Minggu, 28 Desember 2014

= The Rotterdam Islam Debates, 2013, IUR Press

EMU (European Muslim Union) shared Islamitische Universiteit Rotterdam's photo. December 16 at 9:03pm · The Rotterdam Islam Debates, 2013, IUR Press. This book is an editorial or a review of the Islamic University of Rotterdam (IUR). This in the form of lectures on Islam related themes for the Rotterdam Islam Debates in 2004 and 2005. These lectures were held in a turbulent period in which still too much confusion arose over many different concepts such as radicalism, extremism, sharia, jihad, the position of women in Islam etc. In the media was there with much confusion written on these and many other topics. This islam-related topics were addressed during this period and Muslim by everyone except the Muslim intellectuals. You can read more about the content in this book how both Muslim and non-Muslim intellectuals have written on these controversial issues.

= Sahîh Muslim (2566)

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Allah will ask on the Day of Judgement: ‘Where are those who loved each other for the sake of My glory? Today, - on a day when there is no shade but mine – I shall shade them with My shade.” [Sahîh Muslim (2566)]

Sabtu, 27 Desember 2014

= Knowlede

Berita Muallaf 578 people like this. Like Kata Shotokan 9,352 people like this. Like China Wudang Kungfu Academy 18,083 people like this. Like Rem25 car'e wash 92 people like this. Like WhyIslamic.com Kesultanan Mataram likes this. Like SUGGESTED GROUPSSee All SUGGESTED GROUPS BIBIT TANAMAN BUAH DAN TABULAMPOT Sihonosihono Sihono joined Join

Jumat, 26 Desember 2014

= Coca-Cola Commercial: Coke Stands by Super Bowl "America the Beautiful" ...

= A high school girls soccer team showed religious discrimination has no place in sports.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ A high school girls soccer team showed religious discrimination has no place in sports.
When Samah Aidah was prohibited by soccer referees in Aurora, Colo. from playing in a game due to her hijab, her teammates on the Overland High School girls soccer team protested the decision by each donning the head covering and posting their photo to Twitter.

= Dawah




=Habib Syech - Bijahil Musthofalmuchtar + MP3


=Mawlid Barzanji

=Proof of Mawlid Un Nabi from Quran & Sunnah | Sidi Muhammad Danyaal

=Proof of Mawlid Un Nabi from Quran & Sunnah | Sidi Muhammad Danyaal

=Proof of Mawlid Un Nabi from Quran & Sunnah | Sidi Muhammad Danyaal

Rabu, 24 Desember 2014

= ‘Miracle’ of Salaatul Istisqa witnessed in California

Cii News | 05 February 2014/04 Rabi ul Akhir 1435 A call by Muslim leaders in California for believers to assemble to beseech the Almighty for rain and forgiveness has reaped abounding dividends with the heavens opening themselves just hours after the special prayer concluded. Last week, the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-SFBA) announced that members of the Muslim community would offer a prayer for rain on Saturday to help relieve the ongoing drought impacting California residents and agriculture. US Federal officials had designated portions of 11 drought-ridden western and central states as primary natural disaster areas, highlighting the financial strain the lack of rain is likely to bring to farmers in those regions. “California is experiencing one of the driest winters on record following two years of winters without adequate rain and snow,” Santa Clara County Supervisor Dave Cortese was quoted as saying. In response, Muslims in the Bay Area of the State led by senior scholars Tahir Anwar, Hamza Yusuf and Zaid Shakir mobilised to arrange a special gathering for Salaatul Istisqa, or prayers for rain, as prescribed by the Prophet SAW over the weekend. People of other faiths were also invited to attend. “When God withholds the rain it is a trial for everyone. Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, men, women, children, beasts, birds, even the fish, as we see in the devastation the drought has wrought upon our salmon populations,” said Imam Zaid Shakir, co-founder of Zaytuna College and one of the event’s organizers. “We invite our co-religionists along with members of other faith communities to join us as we fervently pray for relief from the drought that has befallen our wonderful state.” Hundreds of residents of the US state of California gathered outside in San Francisco on Saturday to heed the call. Muslim scholar and co-founder of the Zaytuna College Hamza Yusuf led the prayers. In his sermon, Yusuf emphasized morality as a common thread that united all Divine faiths and a trait, the commitment to which, required urgent re-assessing within American society. The esteemed scholar also implored congregants to realise the ’cause and effect’ mechanism which the Almighty had instituted to maintain justice in the universe. “When we talk about sinfulness, which is a word people want to remove from their dictionaries today,” Yusuf said, “we have criminal law which is made by men, but there is other law working in the world: it is a metaphysical law, a law of cause and effect, a law of ‘you reap what you sow’” “The Prophet SAW had informed us that no people become unjust in their commercial transactions, except that they get the tribulation of drought”. The event concluded with a heartfelt Dua by the Imam, who raised his hands facing the Qiblah, his outer garments turned inside out to reveal its seams, all according to Prophetic practice. The supplications appeared to have reached their destination. The Bay Area finally got some rain on Sunday, though not yet enough to abate the drought. On a cold, wintry day, clouds dropped fine droplets on the parched parks, brown hillsides and thirsty gardens. The response was ecstatic. “Amazing coincidence? Muslims in the Bay Area went out for the Prayer for Rain, next day this happened…,” @mohamedghilan wrote on Twitter, posting an image for Muslims’ prayer for rain. Writing on Muslim Matters, Amad Shaikh concurred. Characterising the event as a great Da’wah success, he said believers didn’t need evidence for their faith, but occurences such as these could only have our faith renewed and refreshed. “Salatul-Istisqa’ is a Prophetic prayer offered by Muslims when seeking rain from Almighty Allah during times of drought. Sayyida ‘Aishah RA relates: “The people complained to the Messenger of Allah about lack of rain, so he gave orders for a pulpit, and when it was set up for him,he appointed a day for the people to gather. He came out on that day when the sun had just appeared and sat down on the pulpit. He extolled Allah’s greatness and praised Him. Then he said: ‘You have complained of drought in your areas and of delay in receiving rain at the beginning of its season, but you have been ordered by Allah to supplicate Him and He has promised that He would answer your prayers.’ Then he said: ‘All praise is for Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful, the King of the Day of Judgment. There is no God but Allah Who does what He wishes. O Allah, there is no God except Thee. You are the Self-sufficient and we are the poor. Send down rain upon us and make it a source of strength for us and satisfaction for us.’ He then raised his hands and kept raising them till the whiteness of his armpits could be seen. After this, he turned his back to the people and inverted his cloak, keeping his hands raised. Finally, he faced the people, descended from the pulpit, and prayed two rak’at. At that time Allah produced a cloud, thunder, and lightning.And, by Allah’s permission, it rained and before he reached the mosque there was flooding. Then he saw how quickly the people were running for shelter, he laughed until his molar teeth could be seen. He said: ‘I bear witness that Allah has power over all things and I am Allah’s slave and Messenger.’ (Reported by Al Haakim) Tags: B, Bay Area, CAIR, California, Hamza Yusuf, rain, Salatul Istisqa, San Francisco, Tahir Anwar, Zaid Shakir

= Hadith

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “This world is temporary joys, and the best temporary joy of this world is a righteous wife.” [ Muslim, Ibn Maajah]

Minggu, 21 Desember 2014

= Sains Quran - Yakin Akan Pertolongan Allah

= Sains Quran - Sholat Khusyu'

= Sains Quran - Titik Makbul (Firqu Point)

= Sudut Multazam Ka'bah yang makbul

= Inilah Multazam

= berdoa di multazam 'pintu kaabah'

= Pengertian Dan Tata Cara Thawaf Dalam Umrah

= Tata Cara Thawaf dalam Haji dan Umrah

=Video Panduan Tata Cara Tawaf Saat Umroh 2014

= Larangan Larangan Ihram

= Miqat Miqat Untuk Ihram

= Miqat Miqat Untuk Ihram

= Serba-Serbi Tempat Miqat (1)

http://www.jurnalhaji.com/rukun-haji/serba-serbi-tempat-miqat-1/ Serba-Serbi Tempat Miqat (1) 23 May 2012 | Kategori: Rukun Haji Masjidil Haram, Makkah, Arab Saudi. Foto: AP. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID – Miqat Makani adalah tempat memulai ihram. Bagi orang yang bermukim di Makkah baik ia orang Makkah atau pendatang, jika ia hendak menunaikan ibadah haji, maka Miqat Makaninya adalah pintu rumahnya, atau Kota Makkah itu sendiri. Ia tidak memulai ihramnya dari luar daerah Haram. Namun, bagi mereka yang bermukim di Makkah dan hendak mengerjakan umrah, maka miqatnya dimulai dari daerah Halal. Oleh sebab itu, ia harus keluar dari daerah Haram ke daerah Halal dan mengerjakan ihram untuk umrah di sana. Daerah Halal yang terdekat, ialah Tan’im atau Ji’ranah. Bagi orang yang rumahnya antara miqat dengan Makkah, seperti penduduk Bahrah (satu tempat antara Jeddah-Makkah), maka miqatnya ialah rumahnya. Demikian pendapat Asy-Syafi’i, Malik, Abu Hanifah, Ahmad, Abu Tsaur dan Jumhur ulama. Menurut Mujahid, hendaklah ihram dilakukan di Kota Makkah. Ibnu Hazm berkata, “Orang yang dalam perjalanan ke Makkah dan tidak melalui satu miqat, maka dia boleh melakukan ihram di mana saja yang dia kehendaki, baik melalui jalan darat atau jalan laut.” Orang yang berjalan ke Kota Makkah dengan melalui salah satu daerah miqat, maka hendaklah ia melakukan ihram, baik untuk haji, atau untuk umrah di miqat itu. Dan ia tidak boleh melewatinya tanpa ihram. Rasulullah SAW telah menetapkan tempat-tempat miqat. Tempat itu adalah: Zulhulaifah bagi orang yang menuju Makkah dari Madinah. Zulhulaifah nama suatu tempat yang jaraknya dengan Kota Makkah lebih kurang 450 kilometer, terletak di sebelah utaranya. Al-Juhfah bagi penduduk Syam (nama satu tempat di sebelah barat laut dan jaraknya dari Makkah kira-kira 187 kilometer), berdekatan dengan Rabigh yang jaraknya 204 kilometer dari Makkah. Rabigh, sekarang telah menjadi miqat penduduk Mesir dan Suriah. Qarnul Manazil bagi penduduk Najd, yaitu sebuah bukit di sebelah timur Makkah yang menonjol ke Arafah dan jaraknya 94 kilometer. Yalamlam bagi penduduk Yaman yaitu sebuah bukit, yang terletak di sebelah selatan Makkah; jaraknya dari Mekkah 54 kilometer. Dzatu Irqin bagi penduduk Irak, sebuah tempat di sebelah utara Makkah; jaraknya 94 kilometer dari Makkah. Redaktur: Chairul Akhmad Reporter: Hannan Putra Sumber: Pedoman Haji oleh Teungku Muhammad Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy - See more at: http://www.jurnalhaji.com/rukun-haji/serba-serbi-tempat-miqat-1/#sthash.mtWvKEJ4.dpuf

= Cara memakai pakaian ihram

= Tempat - Tempat MIQAT saat Ihram

http://www.satutours.com/2012/02/tempat-tempat-ibadah-ihram.html Tempat - Tempat MIQAT saat Ihram 3:49 AM 1 comment Ihram merupakan salah satu rukun wajib dilakukan ketika menunaikan haji dan umroh. Ihram juga bisa diartikan sebagai pakaian yan dikenakan oleh setiap muslim ketika melaksanakan ibadah Haji maupun Umroh Seseprang yang hendak melaksanakan haji atau umroh diwajibkan atas dirinya untuk melakukan ihram dari miqat yang telah ditentukan. pengertian miqat itu sendiri adalah batas tempat dan waktu yang ditentukan bagi setiap Muslim yang akan menunaikan ibadah haji atau umroh ketika hendak memulai ihramnya Miqat sendiri ditentukan berdasarkan tempat yang disebut Miqat Makani. Sementara Miqat yang berdasarkan pada waktu dinamaan Miqat Zamani. MIQAT MAKANI
titik-titik tempat miqot Bagi Muslim yang tinggal di Makkah, rumah mereka adalah tempat untuk ihram haji. Sementara untuk Umrah, Ihramnya harus keluar dari tanah Haram Makkah, dan sebaik-baiknya tepat ialah di Ji'ranah, Tan'eim, atau Hudaibiyah. Namun, bagi mereka yang tinggal diluar Makkah, ada 5 tempat untuk memulai Ihram, di antaranya sebagai berikut. 1. Miqat Juhfah Miqot Juhfah Juhfah merupakan desa tua yang sering di lewati para pendatang dari Syam menuju Mekkah. Juhfah inilah yang menjadi Miqat bagi penduduk Mesir, Syam, dan siapa saja yang melewatinya. 2. Miqat Qarnul manazil
Miqot Qarnul Manazil Qarnul manazil adalah miqat bagi penduduk Taif dan orang-orang yang melewatinya. Tempat Ihramnya di Gunung Musyrif di Arafah. 3. Miqat Yalamlam
Miqat Yalamlam Yamlamlam adalah Miqat bagi Penduduk Yaman. Yamlamlam ini merupakan nama sebuah bukit di pegunungan Tihamah. 4. Miqat Hulaifah / Bir' Ali
Miqat Hulaifah atau Bir ali Zul Hulaifah adalah Miqat bagi penduduk Madinah. Tempat air minum Bani Jasyum yang sekarang dikenal dengan nama Bir Ali. Miqat ini merupakan tempat yang paling jauh jaraknya dari kota Mekkah. 5.Miqat Dzatu Irqin Miqat Dzatu Irqin Dzatu irqin adalah Miqat yang ditentukan berdasarkan kesepakatan para ulama. Miqat ini tidak disebut dalam hadist Rasulullah SAW. Miqat ini merupakan tempat yang dilewati oleh orang-orang di bagian Negeri Irak. B. Miqat Zamani 1. Waktu Pelaksanaan haji, para ulama sepakat bahwa Miqat diawali pada bulan Syawal sampai terbit fajar tanggal 10 Zulhijah, yaitu ketika ibadah haji dilaksanakan 2. Waktu palaksanan Umroh, Miqat Zamani dapat diawali pada sepanjang tahun. Semua Miqat Makani ditetapkan langsung oleh Rasulallah, kecuali Miqat Dzatu Irqin. Sementara Miqat Zamani tercantum dalam Al-qur'an surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 189 "Mereka bertanya kepadamu (Muhammad) tentang bulan sabit. Katakanlah itu adalah (petunjuk) waktu bagi manusia dan (Ibadah) haji dan bukanlah kebajikan memasuki rumah-rumah yang dari atasnya, tetapi kebajikan itu adalah (kebajikan) orang yang bertakwa. Masukila ke rumah-rumah itu datri Pintu-pintunya, dan bertakwalah kepada Allah agar kamu beruntung.." INFO UMROH Aryana Syerli Prasetya (Ryan) 0877.28.333.255 0856.2488.5342 Pin BB 27930032

= Manasik Umrah

= Video Tuntunan Manasik Haji & Umroh Berbahasa Indonesia 2014

= Tuntunan Doa Haji dan Umroh 2015

القرآن الكريم كاملاً بمقطع واحد مشاري العفاسي-Complete Quran

= New 2014 - How I Became a Muslim? - Layla Zoe ᴴᴰ

= 12 New Muslims Share Their Journey to Islam

BBC Documentary Science and Islam Episode One The Language of Science HD

Science and Islam: Part 1: The Language of Science

Dr. Rim Turkmani speaking at The Royal Society (Arabick Roots)

The Golden Age of Islam

European Discovery Of Arab Culture - Lecture by Prof. Charles Burnett

Fez Expedition Highlights - March 2013 - 1001 Inventions

The first aviator Abbas Ibn Firnas

World's 10 Greatest Muslim Inventions

Sabtu, 20 Desember 2014

= Al Qur'an and Science, Al-'Anbya'[21]:33

Al-'Anbya'[21]:33 Dan Dialah yang telah menciptakan malam dan siang, matahari dan bulan. Masing-masing beredar pada garis edarnya.
Surah Al-Anbiya (21), And He it is Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. They float, each in an orbit. (33)

= Al Qur'an and Science

INDONESIAN : Ar-Rahman[55]:19 Dia membiarkan dua laut mengalir yang (kemudian) keduanya bertemu, Ar-Rahman[55]:20 di antara keduanya ada batas yang tidak dilampaui oleh masing-masing. Ar-Rahman[55]:21 Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan?. ENGLISH Surah Ar-Rahman (55), He hath loosed the two seas. They meet. (19) There is a barrier between them. They encroach not (one upon the other). (20) Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? (21)

Kamis, 18 Desember 2014

= Reading Qur'an ALOUD In Brazilian Streets || #Da'wahMenInBrazil [DAY 3]

= Al Qur'an, An-Nur[24]:35

English Language. Surah Al-Noor, Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The similitude of His light is as a niche wherein is a lamp. The lamp is in a glass. The glass is as it were a shining star. (This lamp is) kindled from a blessed tree, an olive neither of the East nor of the West, whose oil would almost glow forth (of itself) though no fire touched it. Light upon light. Allah guideth unto His light whom He will. And Allah setteth forth for mankind similitudes, for Allah is Knower of all things. (35)--- Indonesian Language. An-Nur[24]:35 Allah (pemberi) cahaya (kepada) langit dan bumi. Perumpamaan cahaya-Nya, seperti sebuah lubang yang tidak tembus, yang di dalamnya ada pelita besar. Pelita itu di dalam tabung kaca (dan) tabung kaca itu bagaikan bintang yang berkilauan, yang dinyalakan dengan minyak dari pohon yang diberkahi, (yaitu) pohon zaitun yang tumbuh tidak di timur dan tidak pula di barat, yang minyaknya (saja) hampir-hampir menerangi, walaupun tidak disentuh api. Cahaya di atas cahaya (berlapis-lapis), Allah memberi petunjuk kepada cahaya-Nya bagi orang yang Dia kehendaki, dan Allah membuat perumpamaan-perumpamaan bagi manusia. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu.

= Surah An Nur Ayat 35 Recited by Sheikh Mishary Al-Afasy

= MoreThan 69 Miracles of ISLAM, that none can Deny .

= Mishary al afasy best nasheed about quran in Russia.

= Rahman Ya Rahman -Mishary Alfasy in Chechyna(Russia)- رحمن مشاري العف...

= Love Al Qur'an

= British police converts to Islam and crying !!!

= Une française se convertit a l'Islam , émouvant !!!

=les stars converti a l'islam

Selasa, 16 Desember 2014

= Agreement will allow Islamic center in St. Anthony

Agreement will allow Islamic center in St. Anthony By AMY FORLITI, Associated Press Updated 6:26 pm, Tuesday, December 16, 2014
St. Anthony Village Mayor Jerry Faust addresses the media after U.S. Attorney Andy Luger announced a settlement resolving a federal lawsuit against the city, on Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2014 in St. Anthony Village, Minn. The city has agreed to allow an Islamic center in the Minneapolis suburb. Under the settlement, Abu-Huraira will be allowed to worship in the basement of the St. Anthony Business Center. MANDATORY CREDIT; ST. PAUL PIONEER PRESS OUT; MAGS OUT; TWIN CITIES LOCAL TELEVISION OUT (Elizabeth Flores, AP / The Star Tribune) ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE, Minn. (AP) — The federal government and the city of St. Anthony Village have reached an agreement in principle that will allow an Islamic center to have a worship space in the Minneapolis suburb, U.S. Attorney Andy Luger announced Tuesday. The settlement, reached last week after a nearly 12-hour negotiating session, resolves a federal lawsuit that accused the city of religious discrimination when it rejected Abu-Huraira Islamic Center's permit for a worship space in 2012. The settlement must still be approved by the Department of Justice, a federal judge, and the City Council. "Today marks a new beginning for the Somali community and the people of St. Anthony," Luger said. "It is a proud day for all Minnesotans. An injustice from 2012 has been reversed and freedom of religion has prevailed." The City Council is expected to vote on the settlement at its Dec. 23 meeting. Another vote to create a "planned unit development" — which would allow for mixed use on one parcel of land — is expected no later than Feb. 10, said Assistant U.S. Attorney Bahram Samie. Mayor Jerry Faust said he's confident the City Council will agree to the terms. As part of the settlement, Abu-Huraira will be allowed to set aside 12,940 square feet of the St. Anthony Business Center for prayer services, weddings, and other religious ceremonies. The religious space would be largely in the building's basement, Samie said. The city will also allow Abu-Huraira — which owns the building — to rent space to tenants and businesses that will provide community services, Samie said. Sheikh Abdirahman Omar, the vice president of Abu-Huraira, said the building would be open to everyone of any religion, or for non-religious community meetings. He also addressed the opposition voiced by some citizens. "In our community, we are very afraid of radicalization and recruitment. Having community space like this — and work opportunities for our young people — helps us build resilient communities, and be safe," he said. "We understand that you may have some fear of Somali people, and Muslims. But I want to tell you, we came here 20 years ago seeking freedom, and safety. The same reasons your forefathers came here. ... We oppose those who think violence is the answer to any question." The City Council had voted 4-1 to reject the proposed Islamic center in 2012, saying a religious and cultural center wasn't compatible with the site's light industrial zoning. The U.S. government sued the city in August, alleging that the city treated Abu-Huraira's application for a conditional use permit on less-than-equal terms as other, non-religious permits to assemble. The lawsuit claimed that denying the permit imposed a substantial burden on Abu-Huraira's religious assembly, and limited their ability to exercise their religion. The city has denied the allegations. Lori Saroya, executive director of the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, welcomed the settlement. She said in a statement that there have been five other cases involving opposition over Muslim land use in Minnesota in the past two years. Proposals in Blaine, Plymouth, Willmar, and Bloomington were eventually approved, and a proposal for a mosque in St. Cloud was withdrawn. ___ Follow Amy Forliti on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/amyforliti. http://www.timesunion.com/news/article/Minneapolis-suburb-agrees-to-Islamic-center-5960812.php#photo-7279218. See Also : http://kstp.com/news/stories/s3651130.shtml

Senin, 15 Desember 2014

= ART EVENT ‘21, 39’ Jeddah Arts Announces Dates for Second Edition in January 2015

http://islamicartsmagazine.com/magazine/view/21_39_jeddah_arts_announces_dates_for_second_edition_in_january_2015/ ART EVENT ‘21, 39’ Jeddah Arts Announces Dates for Second Edition in January 2015 Fostering cross-cultural understanding through ongoing public, private, and institutional support of the arts, '21,39’ Jeddah Arts kicks starts its second edition with a week of cultural activities showcasing and encouraging Saudi talent. Photo above: Jeddah Arts 2139 VIP Opening Night, Feb 2014 / Courtesy of Jeddah Arts Held under the patronage of HRH Princess Jawaher bint Majed Al-Saud, Chairwoman of the Saudi Art Council and founder of Al-Mansouria Foundation, ‘21, 39’ presents audiences in Saudi Arabia and beyond with the opportunity to further explore and familiarise themselves with the culture of the city and wider Kingdom, while showcasing a sense of growth and establishment on an international level. A non-profit initiative planned by the Saudi Art Council, ‘21,39’ Jeddah Arts is an annual program which presents an exclusive insight into the talent and cultural landscape of The Kingdom. Launched in February 2014, the second edition will begin with a week of cultural activities from January 22-25, 2015. Presenting a month of events held throughout the city, guests and visitors will experience home-grown galleries, exhibitions, and fine art institutions which continue to enhance the global art community, as well as a tour of Al Balad, the historic part of Jeddah, and a visit to Meda’in Saleh, a pre-Islamic archaeological site located in the Al-Ula sector, within Al Madinah Region of Saudi Arabia. image Jeddah Arts 2139 VIP Opening Night, Feb 2014 / Courtesy of Jeddah Arts "Following a successful launch early in 2014, ‘21,39’ Jeddah Arts is dedicated to preserving and presenting the growing art scene in Saudi Arabia. The second edition starting in January will showcase a curated programme of culture, talks, and exhibitions which we aim to share with the global audience, creating an accessible experience for cultural influencers, enthusiasts, media, and the art world - highlighting the realities and talent of art throughout The Kingdom," said Zeinab Abu Alsamh, Director of The Saudi Art Council. Inspired by the geographic coordinates of the city (21.5433°N, 39.1728°E), ‘21,39’ Jeddah Arts showcases a narrative of art in the country, emphasising the history of The Kingdom’s modern and contemporary movements, and those who play integral roles in enriching Saudi art on the map. The first edition featured 40 Saudi Arabian artists, across multiple generations, in two seminal exhibitions: “Moallaqat” and “Past is Prologue”, which welcomed over 15,000 visitors, including 6,000 students from 150 schools. The events included education and outreach programs, manifesting in workshops, talks, and discussions over the course of three months. Last year included featured participation from Catherine David, Deputy Director of the Musée National d'Art Moderne at the Centre Pompidou; Chris Dercon, Director of the Tate Modern; Sheikha Hoor al-Qasimi, President, Sharjah Art Foundation; Ahmed Mater, a Saudi artist; and Faisal Tamer, patron, collector and member of Saudi Art Council, among others. The 2015 programme will also include a symposium of talks and discussion, featuring key players from the art world deliberating different aspects of contemporary art in Saudi Arabia. For more information, please visit the website.

Sabtu, 13 Desember 2014

Jumat, 12 Desember 2014


Mr. R. L. Mellema, Holland, Anthropologist, Writer and Scholar. "The doctrine of brotherhood of Islam extends to all human beings, no matter what color, race or creed. Islam is the only religion which has been able to realize this doctrine in ractice. Muslims wherever on the world they are will recognize each other as brothers." Mr. R. L. Mellema, Holland, Anthropologist, Writer and Scholar.

= Love Allah SWT

= American Female Converts To Islam Facing Growing Scrutiny

= Islam in USA: American Rap Singer Revert to Islam

Kamis, 11 Desember 2014

Selasa, 09 Desember 2014

= Islam Miracle, Quran Expanding Universe, Cosmic Web Miracles معجزات القر...

= Surah 18 Kahf سورة الكهف Mishary Rashid Alafasy (Arabic & Translation) H...

= Two members of KAUST's research community have been honored by the L'Oréal Foundation, receiving the L'Oréal-UNESCO "For Women in Science" fellowships.

http://www.kaust.edu.sa/latest-stories/kaust-researchers-win-loreal-unesco-fellowships.html Latest Stories KAUST researchers win L'Oréal-UNESCO Fellowships KAUST researchers win L'Oréal-UNESCO Fellowships
Latest Stories >KAUST researchers win L'Oréal-UNESCO Fellowships KAUST researchers win L'Oréal-UNESCO Fellowships Dec 1, 2014 Two members of KAUST's research community have been honored by the L'Oréal Foundation, receiving the L'Oréal-UNESCO "For Women in Science" fellowships. Two members of KAUST's research community, Jasmeen Merzaban, Assistant Professor of Bioscience, and Ph.D. student Nouf Alshareef, have been honored by the L'Oréal Foundation, receiving the L'Oréal-UNESCO "For Women in Science" fellowships at a ceremony in Dubai on November 17. Prof. Merzaban was recognized for her research in the field of immunology, where she focuses on stem cells and cell migration, and Alshareef for her work in identifying genes that may be potential contributors to salinity tolerance in plants. L'Oréal and UNESCO began their partnership in 1998, and since then have awarded the prestigious fellowships to more than 1,900 female scientists worldwide. The four fellowships awarded this year to women from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region underscore L'Oréal and UNESCO's commitment to the principle that "the world needs science and science needs women." In recognizing Arab women scientists' outstanding commitment and contributions to science, the awards also acknowledge the importance of their work in the development of the region. Sara Ravella, L'Oréal's Executive Vice-President of Communication, Sustainability and Public Affairs, noted the awards "celebrate great women scientists...[and] demonstrate the vital role women play in driving science and research." Alshareef, who is supervised by KAUST Professor of Bioscience Mark Tester in the University's Center for Desert Agriculture, said the award is the first she has received and is "very important, as it will open many new future opportunities for me to apply for other prizes and grants." She added that the award "is not only important for me, but also for my lab, my research center and KAUST, as they have all given me much, and now is a time to reward them as well." "Supporting women to develop careers in science is essential, and the L'Oréal initiative is to be applauded," said Prof. Tester. "Two young women from Biosciences in KAUST winning awards in this highly prestigious initiative is a great honor for them, and is also an excellent indication that KAUST is heading in the right direction in establishing high-quality research to contribute to the development of the region." Prof. Pierre Magistretti, Dean of the Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division, added that the entire KAUST community is "proud of this recognition of two remarkable women scientists at different stages in their careers. This recognition should be of great encouragement for all female students enrolled at KAUST, and in particular those who have an interest in engaging in a scientific academic career." By Caitlin Clark, KAUST News

Minggu, 07 Desember 2014

= Black Holes

Belajar bersama tentang Mukjizat Al Qur'an, fakta - fakta ilmiah dari Al Qur'an dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Modern https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7BPeVRqBRM Mari kita buka bersama Al Qur'an serta mengikuti Video pada youtube tersebut dibawah. Kali ini kita bicara tentang Black holes. Kita akan mendengarkan apa yang dikatakan oleh NASA pada youtube tersebut dan apa yang tertulis didalam Al Qur'an. Fussilat[41]:53 Kami akan memperlihatkan kepada mereka tanda-tanda (kebesaran) Kami di segenap penjuru dan pada diri mereka sendiri, sehingga jelaslah bagi mereka bahwa Al-Qur'an itu adalah benar.Tidak cukupkah (bagi kamu) bahwa Tuhanmu menjadi saksi atas segala sesuatu? An-Najm[53]:1 Demi bintang ketika terbenam Al-Waqi`ah[56]:75 Lalu Aku bersumpah dengan tempat beredarnya bintang-bintang Al-Waqi`ah[56]:76 Dan sesungguhnya itu benar-benar sumpah yang besar sekiranya kamu mengetahui, Al-Mursalat[77]:8 Maka apabila bintang-bintang dihapuskan, At-Takwir[81]:15 Aku bersumpah demi bintang-bintang, At-Takwir[81]:16 yang beredar dan terbenam, At-Tariq[86]:1 Demi langit dan yang datang pada malam hari. At-Tariq[86]:2 Dan tahukah kamu apakah yang datang pada malam hari itu? At-Tariq[86]:3 (yaitu) bintang yang bersinar tajam, At-Takwir[81]:26 maka ke manakah kamu akan pergi? At-Takwir[81]:27 (Al-Qur'an) itu tidak lain adalah peringatan bagi seluruh alam, At-Takwir[81]:28 (yaitu) bagi siapa di antara kamu yang menghendaki menempuh jalan yang lurus. At-Takwir[81]:29 Dan kamu tidak dapat menghendaki (menempuh jalan itu) kecuali apabila dikehendaki Allah, Tuhan seluruh alam.

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Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

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Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2014

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Kesultanan Mataram @Brother Kareem Shaik : thank you very much for your explanation for the picture, it's help me alot to understand what happened over there. Wassalam



= A beautiful new picture of the Kaaba

= Prayer in its proper time

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: I asked, “O Messenger of Allah (pbuh) which deed is best?” He said, “Prayer in its proper time.” I asked, “What is next?” The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Righteousness with your parents.” I said, “What is next?” He said, “Struggling in the cause of Allah.” I became silent and if I had asked him more, he would have told me. [Bukhari]
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Minggu, 24 Agustus 2014


BERHARAP Sudah menjadi kehendakNYA kita menjadi ada Syukuri saja keputusanNYA Konsekuensi logis dari keberadaan dan eksistensi kita Yang awalnya tidak ada lalu diciptakan dengan kesempurnaan atas ijinNYA Ujian hidup, seberat apapun dan sekeras apapun tidak sebanding dengan eksistensi dan keberadaan kita yang diadakanNYA Masalahnya hanyalah ada pada persepsi Menerima dengan ikhlas dan tulus, atau memilih untuk mengeluh yang tidak ada gunanya Tentu saja kita akan selalu ikhlas menerima ketika hati kita diasah hingga menjadi berkilau Karena sesungguhnya DIA sedang mengingatkan kita agar kita selalu belajar untuk ingat dan mengingatNYA Selalu Ingat dan Waspada Bukankah dengan mengingatNYA hati kita menjadi lapang dan bahagia ? Sehingga kita mempunyai mata hati yang tajam mempesona Tidak terjebak di hutan belantara kehidupan Jalan kehidupan menjadi terang benderang karena petunjukNYA. Bukankah sebenarnya DIA hanya ingi menunjukkan kebesaranNYA dan kasihsayangNYA ketika DIA memberi petunjuk dan menyelamatkanmu ketika engkau terpuruk ? Rasa cinta kepadaNYA teruslah dipupuk di dada Nanti pada saatnya akan terbentuk sebuah hubungan yang tulus dan ikhlas Teruslah dan teruslah mencambuk semangatmu Janganlah berputus asa Karena sesunggunya ujian sedang menempa kita Menjadi mutiara yang indah mempesona pancaran cahayanya Karena pada akhirnya kebesaranNYA akan mengangkatmu dari lembah keputusasaan Karena DIA tidak pernah meninggalkanmu. by : ki wijanarko 25 Agustus 2014


Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb Salam hormat dan ta'jiem kami buat sodare2 smuanye nyeng ada di SPSBB.. Kami mao ngadain acara LEBARAN BETAWI/GELAR BETAWI PUNYE BUDAYE.. Yg Insya Alloh akan diadakan pada,, Minggu TGL 31 Agustus 2014. Waktu : jam 9,00 s/d 17.00, Tempat : Dilapangan Cendrawasih Cengkareng Jak-Bar, Ada : Bazar : produk dan kuliner Betawi.. Yg akan disediakan 12 Stand.. Hiburan,: Tari ,seni maen pukulan Betawi 15 sanggar silat Betawi, Lenong, Blantek.. Besar harapan kami agar sodare2 ..dapat menghadirinya dan memeriahkan Acara kami tersebut Terimekasih.. Wassalam .: Panitia "Silaturahmi Pecinta Seni dan Budaya Betawi".. Tabe...!

Selasa, 05 Agustus 2014

Праздник Ураза-байрам 2014 в Москве / Eid al-Fitr holiday 2014 in Moscow

Published on Jul 27, 2014 Thousands of Muslims in Moscow made ​​a festive prayer at the mosque on Prospekt Mira. Eid al-Adha, also known as the Feast of Fitr and Eid al-Fitr - the Islamic festival celebrated in honor of the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. Celebrated the first day of the month of Shawwal.

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Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2014

Laporan Jurnalistik Prof Yusril Ihza Mahendra dari Italia

Yusril Ihza Mahendra @Yusrilihza_Mhd Professor of Law, Lawyer, Former MP, Former Minister of Justice and Minister of Secretary of State Republic of Indonesia. Email: yusril@ihzamahendra.com
Muslim Napoli, Italia, menyiapkan shalat Idul Fitri di lapangan 27 Juli 2014